Espiritus de untar
Espiritus de untar

espiritus de untar

(Why do the single gods fledge the face of the chestnut tree?)

espiritus de untar

(3) " Por que os deuses solteiros emplumam a face da castanheira?" (Why are the gods fledging the great chestnut tree, Modida-ro?) (2) " Por que os deuses estão emplumando a grande castanheira, Modida-ro?" (Why do you fledge the great chestnut tree?) (1) " Por que você empluma a grande castanheira?" One of the central moments of Araweté: cannibal gods is the analysis of the "song of the chestnut tree." This chant, produced by the Indian Kãñïpaye-ro at dawn on December 26, 1982, was used by Viveiros de Castro to illustrate the enunciative-quotational complexity of the shamanistic chants of the Araweté. Keywords: Amerindian poetry, Translation, Viveiros de Castro, Araweté. For Castro, these chants are "a song of songs, a polylogical speech of speeches." That is why we first analyze the chant's enunciative complexity and only afterwards provide a retranslation. According to Castro, the "Song of the Chestnut Tree", the name he gave to the chant, illustrates the enunciative-quotational complexity of the shamanistic chants of the Araweté. aim of this paper is to offer a retranslation of a chant of the Araweté, originally translated and annotated by anthropologist Viveiros de Castro in Araweté: the cannibal gods. He has experience in Poetry and Translation, working especially in the following areas: translation, compared poetics and poetry. He is a professor of French literature at USP. Álvaro Faleiros holds a degree in Social Sciences from the State University of Campinas (1994), a Master's degree in Linguistics from Université du Québec à Montréal (1998) and a PhD in French Language and Literature from the University of São Paulo (2003).

Espiritus de untar